Wednesday 27 May 2009

Welcome 2 the Battlefield Logo

Welcome 2 the Battlefield
...coming soon...

This is the the movie logo for my upcoming short ...Welcome 2 the Battlefield...

W2tB stars Blades, Killer, Lacie and Kancer in a tong in cheek zombie war film.

General Kancer

This is General Kancer, featuring in my upcoming short Welcome 2 the Battlefield. These characters will also feature in 3 Sisters. This character has not yet been textured.

Monday 25 May 2009

Killer 3D

Here some test shots in 3D anaglyph. You need the red/blue glasses to see it.
Click the images for full size.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Concept Sketchs W2tB

Concept sketches of my upcoming short Welcome 2 the Battlefield.